Every One of You Will Be Questioned About His or Her Flock (Part Three)

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Neglect of Mothers in Fulfilling the Rights of their Children

Some mothers curse their children. The curse sometimes befalls the poor child. Now the mother holds her head and cries.

Some are negligent in fulfilling the Deeni rights of their children. They do not give their children Ta’leem of the Deen, and they do not encourage their children to read Namaaz and keep Roza (Fast).

You should teach your children how to read Namaaz and if they do not, then you should caution them and stress upon them.

You should inspire them to learn.

This pertained to verbal discharge of their rights.

Together with that you should practically show them as well by you maintaining your actions in order.

Watching the actions of the parents, children also imitate the actions which they see their parents doing.

I will tell you of something which is proven through experience. If parents keep themselves straight before the child is born, then the child will be pious.

Whatever condition and action emanate from the parents before the birth of the child have an effect on the unborn child.

A child of a Buzrug was very misbehaved. Someone said to the Buzrug: “It is astonishing that you are such a Buzrug, yet your child is so misbehaved.” The Buzrug replied: “Once, I ate by a dunyadaar (worldly minded person). My passion was consequently aroused, and I went to his mother. She fell pregnant. This child is the fruit of that doubtful food which I ate.”

From this we learn that whatever good or bad condition the parents have before the child is born wears onto the child.

(Huqooqul Bait)

(To be continued, Insha Allah)