Reading Time: 2 minutesQuestion Is there a concept in Islam as “permanent separation”. The husband and wife are living apart without any Talaaq
Reading Time: 2 minutesQuestion Is there a concept in Islam as “permanent separation”. The husband and wife are living apart without any Talaaq
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt is not permissible for women to give the wealth and assets of their husbands in charity without their consent.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHer name was Hannah. Her husband’s name was Imraan who is the father of Hazrat Maryam (Alaihas Salaam). When she
Reading Time: 4 minutesQuestion A woman was subjected to verbal, mental and sexual abuse by her husband. She bore the abuse for eight
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn Usdul Ghaabah the following incident regarding upbringing is narrated: Once, Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) went to the house
Reading Time: 8 minutesThere prevail several misconceptions germane to the Shar’i Injunction of Hadhaanah, that is custody of children. In this brief article
Reading Time: < 1 minuteQ. Is a pregnant woman and a woman who breastfeeds her infant allowed to abstain from fasting during Ramadhaan? A.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAllah Ta’ala says: “When he (My servant) thinks about Me, I also think about him.” (Bukhari and Muslim – Mishkaat)