A Pious Princess
Once, a princess passed by the hut in which lived Hadhrat Abu Shuaib Baraathi (Rahmatullahi alaih), who had renounced the world and devoted his time and life for the worship of Allah. Although the princess lived in a palace, her heart was attracted to the piety of this Buzrug and the simplicity of his hut. She sent a proposal of marriage to him.
Hadhrat Abu Shuaib responded: “If you wish to attain your goal (i.e. Allah’s pleasure and the Aakhirah) then change your garments of opulence and your lifestyle. Only then will you attain your objective.”
The pious princess accepted and the nikaah was performed. She bid farewell to the palace and took up residence with her husband in the hut.
When she arrived in the hut, she saw a piece of mat which was the ‘bedding’ of Hadhrat Abu Shuaib. The princess said: “As long as you retain this mat, I shall not live here. I have heard that the earth proclaims: ‘O son of Aadam! Today you have erected a barrier between you and me. But tomorrow you will reside in my bowels.’ Now wherefore do you erect this barrier between yourself and the earth?”
Immensely delighted with his wife’s attitude of Zuhd, Hadhrat Abu Shuaib threw away the mat. The princess remained with him in the hut for many years, devoting her time to the Ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala until maut claimed her – Rahmatullahi alaiha.
(Zuhd is the attitude of renunciation. The world and its love are sacrificed for the sake of Allah’s Pleasure.)
(Awake Archives)