The Best Dowry (Part Five)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Tranquil Offering of Salaat and the Importance of the Sunan and Tahajjud Salaat

It brings me immense joy to see that you offer your Salaat with much composure with your tranquil performance of the postures in Salaat. May Allah Ta’ala increase you in Taufeeq to carry out good deeds.

Apart from the Fardh Namaazes, make incumbent upon yourself performance of the Sunan-e-Mu-akkadah as well.

If possible, then even read the other Sunan and Nawaafil which are proven in the Hadeeth.

Tahajjud Namaaz carries great reward with it. Our Master, Rasool-e-Maqbool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) always would offer Tahajjud Salaat. If by chance, it is not read at night then it could be offered in the morning (as Qadha).

His Pure Wives would also read Tahajjud Namaaz.

The time of Tahajjud is a time of acceptance of Du’aas and the time of the descent of Divine Mercy.

(To be continued Insha Allah)