Respect for the Athaan

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While a jaahil (ignorant) woman was dying, she was uttering some words. Her ignorant relatives did not understand what she was saying. They called a Molvi and asked him to listen to her ‘muttering’.

The Molvi listened carefully and heard her saying in Arabic: “These two men are saying, ‘Enter into Jannat. ‘”

The Molvi Saheb informed her relatives that she had been given the glad tidings of Jannat. He was curious to know what her good deeds were that entitled her to this good fortune. They said that leave alone good deeds, she was in fact extremely irreligious.

The Molvi Saheb urged them to ponder. Finally, they said that the only good deed she had was to become very attentive whenever the Athaan was being proclaimed. She would not speak nor allow others in her presence to speak for the duration of the Athaan. She would listen attentively.

This respect which she showed for Allah’s Name had effaced all her evil deeds.

(Malfoothaat, Part 4)