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Someone asked Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) regarding observance of purdah/hijaab for the brother-in-law. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The brother-in-law is maut (death).”

A woman should observe stricter purdah for her brother-in-law and male cousins than for total strangers. The possibility of fitnah is greater with regard  to such relatives of the ghair mahram category.

The free intermingling which is generally practised with relatives of this class lead to great family upheavals which end in breakdown of marriages and lasting animosity between brothers.

Shaitaan is ever present to ruin the Imaan and character of Muslims. The mingling of brothers-in-law and their sisters-in-law and male and female cousins provide ideal opportunities for shaitaani manipulation.

There are too many cases of ruined marriages and lasting animosity between brothers which have been caused by the evil of free association of men with their sisters-in-law.

(Awake Archives)