Niyyat for Ramadhaan Fast in the Morning

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. Niyyat for the Fast of Ramadhaan can be made from the night.
  2. The Fardh will be discharged with the Niyyat made at nighttime.
  3. During the night one had no intention of fasting (the next day of Ramadhaan). The morning came and still one had no intention of fasting. However, as the day progressed one thought that it is bad to leave out a Fardh, hence one made the Niyyat. The fast will be valid provided that one did not eat or drink anything, and the Niyyat was made at least an hour before Zawaal.
  4. If, however, one ate or drank anything in the morning then one has forfeited the Fast.
  5. Similarly, if the intention was made with less than an hour left for Zawaal, or later, then the fast will not be valid even if one did not eat or drink anything until then.

(Behshti Zewar)