Saheeh Tuhr/Genuine Tuhr

Last updated on January 25th, 2025 at 05:49 am

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. Saheeh Tuhr literally means: genuine clean state.
  2. In Fiqhi parlance, saheeh tuhr is a genuine state of cleanliness from haidh.
  3. The saheeh tuhr is never less than 15 days.
  4. A saheeh tuhr can be 15 days or more.
  5. This tuhr is not contaminated with any discharge, neither at the beginning nor in the middle nor at the end.
  6. A saheeh tuhr is furthermore found between two periods of saheeh damm (3 to 10 days of bleeding in haidh).
  7. Therefore, saheeh tuhr will not be found between two periods of istihaadhah, between a haidh and istihaadhah, between nifaas and istihaadhah and in between nifaas.

(Manhalul Waarideen)