Taam Tuhr/Complete Tuhr

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. Taam Tuhr literally means a complete state of purity.
  2. In haidh, a taam tuhr is a period of tuhr which is 15 days or more.
  3. The taam tuhr can be saheeh, that is 15 days or more, uncontaminated with any discharge, and between two periods of saheeh damm.
  4. The taam tuhr can also be faasid by being contaminated with some discharge and/or not coming in between two saheeh damm.
  5. However, a taam tuhr can never be less than 15 days.
  6. A tuhr of less than 15 days is called a naaqis tuhr (incomplete tuhr).

(Manhalul Waarideen)