They Would Separate a Man from His Wife
فَيَتَعَلَّمُوْنَ مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُوْنَ بِهٖ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهٖ
Surah Baqarah, Aayat 102
“Thus they (the people) learned from the two (Angels, Haaroot and Maaroot) that (sorcery) with which they would separate a man from his wife.”
The Mission of Haaroot and Maaroot
At one time in this world – the exact date could not be established – particularly in Baabil (Babylon) magic/sorcery prevailed considerably. Beholding its strange effects, the masses were thrown into confusion over the reality of magic and the reality of mu’jizaat (miracles) of the Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam). They began regarding the magicians to be worthy of veneration and submission. Some among the masses opining magic to be a righteous deed, acquired and started practising it.
To eliminate this confusion and misconception, Allah Ta’ala sent two Angels by the names of Haaroot and Maaroot to Baabil with the task of making people aware of the reality of magic and its forms of manifestation. People would then desist from practising it and renounce obedience to the magicians.
Just like the Nubuwwat (Prophet-hood) of the Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam) is substantiated with Mu’jizaat (miracles) and Dalaail (proofs), similarly, proofs of them being Malaaikah (Angels) were established in order that submission to their commands be viable.
This mission was not taken from the Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam) for the following reasons: Firstly, the aim and objective were to decide between the Ambiya themselves and the magicians. Accordingly, it was only proper for the arbitrator to be a third party.
Secondly, accomplishment of this mission without imitating those spells of magic and without relating its incantations were not practically possible. Although it is rationally and traditionally accepted that exposing kufr is not kufr (that is, telling others what is kufr), still, the fact that these dignified souls (the Ambiya, Alaihimus Salaam) were exhibits of hidaayat (divine guidance), disfavoured them being chosen for this work. Angels were therefore proposed.
Since creation extends over good as well as evil, the Angels are also put into such services which, taking the world as a whole, are ethical, on account of serving common interests. Although intrinsically, those works may be unethical, on account of some evil ensuing. An example of this is nurturing a person who becomes a tyrant or nurturing a harmful animal. In light of creation, it is praiseworthy (to nurture a person or animal), but in light of the Shari’ah condemnable (in view of the future harm ensuing at the hands of the tyrant and from the harmful animal).
The Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam) however, are entrusted specifically with Shar’i matters which are individually and universally purely ethical. Although, for the aforementioned purpose, this imitating and relating were based on a matter pertaining to the Shari’ah, nevertheless, due to the possibility of this mission resulting in the practice of magic, as had happened, it was not approved of these dignified souls becoming even an indirect cause of its practice.
On the other hand, completion of this object, was executed by the noble Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam), but, with general principles of the Shari’ah, such as: “Incantations of kufr are kufr”. However, on the likelihood of fitnah, that is falling into temptation, the particulars of magic were not elaborated on through their agency.
An example of this, is like the Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam) pointed out that to take a bribe is haraam (forbidden), and they even pointed out what exactly it is to take a bribe, that is, its nature. However, they did not point out the particulars, such as, one way to take a bribe is to deceive the client by telling him this-and-that, and so forth. Had it been like that, evil people would have come to know of even more schemes in taking a bribe.
Or take an example in the art of magic itself. Through general principles it can be imparted that the manifestation of an invisible hand in which money is displayed from underneath a pillow or from the pocket, is not permissible. Yet, they did not impart that by reciting such and such incantations [and saying abracadabra, hocus-pocus, etc.] money will be acquired.
In short, the two Angels, Haaroot and Maaroot, came to Baabil and commenced their mission. They disclosed to the public the principles and branches of magic, emphasized and warned the people to abstain from this evil practice, and also to distance themselves from the magicians.
Every now and again, people of all walks of life would come, petitioning them to be taught these principles and branches in order for them not to fall prey to some wrong pertaining to faith or practice. On such occasions, as a precautionary, instructional and remedial measure the Angels made a rule that before imparting those principles and branches they would say to those who had come to learn, “Allah Ta’ala intends to test His servants by them (the Angels) imparting this art of magic. He wishes to see, who, having become apprised of it, corrects and protects his Deen by abstaining from evil after coming to know of the evil, and who ruins his Deen by opting for the evil and committing it after being informed of it. The consequence of which is kufr in belief or practice”.
The Angels would admonish them to acquire it with a proper intention and furthermore, to be firm on the intention. The Angels would tell them to not let it be such that, they tell the Angels of their wish to learn so as to abstain, but then become entangled in its evil effects themselves, thus ruining their Imaan. It is quite obvious that this was a counsel in good faith on the part of the Angels.
So, whoever pledged in this manner, Haaroot and Maaroot explained to him face-to-face the principles and branches of magic. This was in fact their task. Now, if anyone broke his pledge and intentionally and optionally became a faajir (flagrant transgressor), or kaafir, the blame was squarely on his shoulders.
It so happened that some people did not live up to their pledge. They utilized the magic to harm others. This assuredly is fisq (transgression). Somes spells of magic are even kufr. Thus, faajirs became kaafirs.
After completing their mission Haaroot and Maaroot were, in all probability, called back to the Heavens. And Allah Ta’ala knows best the true state of affairs.
(Bayaanul Qur’aan)