Forty Ahadeeth Regarding Women (6-10)

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. ” Accept my bequest of treating women well.” (Mishkaat)
  2. “A woman has been created from a crooked rib, which cannot be straightened in any way. Benefit is acquired from it while it is crooked. If you try to straighten it, then it will break. And breaking a woman is giving her talaaq.” (Muslim)
  3. “Do not hit your wife as you would your slave, because in the evening you will sleep with her.” (Mishkaat)
  4. “Without doubt, a Mu’min of perfect Imaan is he who has a good character and treats his wife with kindness.” (Tirmithi)
  5. “One who has these four things has acquired the goodness of this world and the hereafter:
  • A grateful heart
  • A tongue that is engrossed in the remembrance of Allah
  • A body that is patient on calamities
  • A trustworthy wife who safeguards herself and the wealth of her husband.” (Mishkaat)