The First Fitnah that Opened the Doors of Doom upon the Bani Isra-eel
Last updated on February 11th, 2025 at 10:43 pm
Reading Time: 2 minutesHazrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri (Radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “This world is sweet and lush. And certainly, Allah is going to make you rulers in this world to see your actions. Therefore, beware of the world, and beware of women, for indeed the first fitnah of the Bani Isra-eel related to women.”
The last portion of the Hadeeth alludes to that great fitnah of women which was the first cause and means of the doors of doom opening up in the Bani Isra-eel. The details of it are given as follows:
There was a person in the time of Hazrat Musa (Alaihis Salaam) by the name of Bal’am Bin Baa’oor. He was a person whose Du’aas were accepted (Mustajaabut Da’awaat). He knew the Isme A’zam [the Grand Divine Name) by virtue of which he was guaranteed acceptance of every Du’aa of his. When Musa (Alaihis Salaam) encamped in a place in Shaam by the Bani Kan’aan in his war against the tyrants, the tribesmen of Bal’am came to him and said: “Musa has come with a huge following of his to kill us and evict us from this region. You should make Du’aa against him through which he runs away from here.”
Bal’am replied: “What I know, you do not know. Good grief! How can I make Du’aa against a Nabi of Allah and his followers!!! If I make Du’aa against him then my life here on earth and in the Hereafter will be ruined.”
When his people pleaded with him and prevailed upon him to make bid-du’aa (invoke a curse), he said: “Okay, I will make Istikhaarah and see what I am instructed with. Thereafter I will decide.”
It was Bal’am’s practice that he would always make Istikhaarah before doing anything. When he made Istikhaarah then he was directed in his dream not to make Du’aa against the Nabi and the Mu-mineen at all.
Bal’am informed his people about the dream, and he expressed his resolve not to invoke any curse.
The people deliberated and then came up with a scheme. They came to Bal’am with priceless gifts and pleaded profusely in front of him. They cried and begged him so much that he fell for their ploy.
(Mazaahire Haq – To be continued, Insha Allah)