Keeping a Nathar Fast in Ramadhaan

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. A person took a vow (nathar): “If this work of mine is accomplished then I am going to keep a fast (or two fasts, etc.) for Allah Ta’ala”.
  2. When the Month of Ramadhaan came the person made intention of the nathar fast, not the Fast of Ramadhaan.
  3. The fast will be of Ramadhaan. The nathar fast is not discharged.
  4. The nathar fast should be kept after Ramadhaan.
  5. The summary of this and previous masalahs is that in the Month of Ramadhaan, regardless of whatever type of fast one intends, it will be considered the Fast of Ramadhaan. Any other fast in this month is not valid.

(Behshti Zewar)