Forty Ahadeeth Regarding Women (11-15)

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. “Allah did not create anything in this world that is more disliked than divorce.” (Mishkaat)
  2. “A person should not propose to a woman to whom a proposal has already been sent, unless it has been rejected.”(ibid)
  3. “He is cursed who commits anal sex with his wife.” (Ahmad, Abu Dawood)
  4. “A person who has two wives and does not treat them equally will be raised on the Day of Qiyaamah in such a manner that half his body will be paralysed.” (Tirmithi)
  5. “When a man calls his wife to bed and she does not come because of which he spends the night in displeasure, then the Angels curse the woman until the morning.” (Mishkaat)