The First Fitnah that Opened the Doors of Doom upon the Bani Isra-eel (Part Two)
The Ruin of Bal’am
Thus, Bal’am got onto his donkey and left for Mount Husbaan to invoke his curse. The Army of Hazrat Musa (Alahis Salaam) was encamped nearby. On the way Bal’am’s donkey fell several times. He would hit his donkey to get up. This beating of the donkey continued until Bal’am got fed up with the donkey. At this juncture Haq Ta’ala, through His Infinite Power, gave the donkey the power to speak. The donkey spoke: “You fool, Bal’am! Shame upon you! Don’t you see where you are going!? You are forcing me to go ahead whilst the Malaaikah have confronted me and are driving me back.”
Bal’am was astounded at the donkey speaking. However, instead of Bal’am coming to his senses, he left the donkey there and went on foot up the mountain. There, he made bid-d’uaa [Na’uthu Billah].
Here too, the Wonder of the Power of Allah Ta’ala manifested itself, as whenever Bal’am wanted to invoke a curse upon Hazrat Musa and his army [Al’iyaathu Billah], instead of the Bani Israeel coming on his tongue, he uttered the name of his own people.
Hearing this, his people said: “ Bal’am! What are you doing!? You are cursing us instead of the Bani Isaaeel!!!”
Bal’am replied: “ What must I do now? Haq Ta’ala is making me say this without my will and intention.”
In spite of all this, Bal’am still did not desist from invoking curses. [His brains had become messed up. He had lost all bearings of piety and had become a human shaitaan in view of him falling prey to the gifts offered to him and his subsequent evil intention of harming a Nabi. May Allah Ta’ala protect us with Imaan till we die, Aameen!]
The Divine Wrath came down on Bal’am and his tongue projected out of his mouth [like a dog’s tongue] and hung onto his chest. He went mad, and in a crazy state bellowed: “Now my life here in this world and in the Hereafter is in ruins. Now I will have to prepare another trap for the destruction of the Bani Isra-eel.”
(Mazaahire Haq – To be concluded, Insha Allah)