Imaam and Muath-thin in the Heavens
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The muath-thin in the inhabitants of the heavens (i.e. the Malaa-ikah) is Jibraeel and their Imaam is Mikaa-eel. He leads them in Salaat at the Baitul Ma’moor.
The Malaa-ikah in the heavens assemble there and perform Tawaaf of the Baitul Ma’moor. They perform Salaat and recite istighfaar. Allah Ta’ala then bestows the thawaab of their Tawaaf, Salaat and Istighfaar to the Ummah of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).”
The original Ka’bah which is located in the seventh heaven directly above the Ka’bah in this world is called Baitul Ma’moor. According to the Hadith, 70,000 Malaa-ikah perform tawaaf of the Baitul Ma’moor.
So numerous are the Malaa-ikah that the first group of 70,000 will never again obtain a second chance of making tawaaf. Once a group of 70,000 has completed their tawaaf, they pass on to make way for the next group of 70,000 and so on the process continues perennially as long as Allah wishes.
(Awake Articles)