The First Fitnah that Opened the Doors of Doom upon the Bani Isra-eel (Part Three)
The Fitnah of Women Destroying the Bani Isra-eel
Bal’am then advised: “Adorn your women and give them some things, then send them to the Bani Isra-eel Army on the pretext of selling those items. And tell them that if any Bani Isra-eeli calls any one of them then she should go to him and not refuse. Remember that, even if a single person among the Bani Isra-eel commits fornication with any of your women then your efforts will bear their fruits.”
The tribesman of Bal’am carried out this scheme. They beautified and adorned their women and send them into the camp of the Bani Isra-eel. The women came to the Bani Isra-eel soldiers. Among them, a woman by the name of Kassi Bint Soor walked pass a commander of the Bani Isra-eel by the name of Zamzam Bin Shalom. He became captivated with the beauty of the woman. He took her hand and went to Musa (Alaihis Salaam).
He came to Musa (Alaihis Salaam) and said: “Do you say that this woman is haraam for me!?” Hazrat Musa (Alahis Salaam) replied: “Yes! Don’t even think about having any relations with her.” Zamzam retorted: “Never! I will never obey your command in this regard.”
He took her to his tent and committed zina with her. Then the Wrath of Allah Ta’ala descended. Because of the evil doing of that commander, a plague struck the entire army, and 70 000 men of the Bani Isra-eel fell dead.
Hazrat Haroon (Alaihis Salaam) had a grandson by the name of Fahhaas. He was huge, strong and a bodyguard of Hazrat Musa (Alaihis Salaam). When he came to know that a commander among them committed a wretched deed bringing the Wrath of Allah Ta’ala down upon them, he proceeded to Zamzam’s tent and there and then he slaid Zamzam and that woman. Upon completing his job, he remarked: “Allah Ta’ala has inflicted destruction upon us because of this person.”
The killing of Zamzam and that prostitute lifted the plague, and no further death occurred among the Bani Isra-eel.
(Mazaahire Haq)