Maximum Haidh, the Surplus Hours and Some Examples

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. The maximum duration of haidh in one cycle is 10 days, that is 240 hours.
  2. In determining the minimum and maximum duration of haidh the hours will be taken into consideration, that is 72 full hours and 240 full hours respectively.
  3. Although under 10 days a woman’s menses will only stop when the bleeding stops, however, in defining her cycle the hours beyond a complete day and night are not relevant.


3.1 If she became paak (in a clean state) on the 10th day, it will be said that her haidh is 9 days, although the bleeding may have lasted 4 or 5 hours longer than 9 days.

3.2 Thus, although she only becomes paak at 9 days and 4 or 5 hours, however, for convenience and ease in the masaail she will merely record her haidh as 9 days.

3.3 It is not necessary to say, “9 days and 4 hours,” for example.

3.4 Similarly, if her haidh stopped after 5 days and 14 hours, her haidh will be said to be five days, although she only became clean upon the bleeding stopping at 5 days and 14 hours.

3.5 She merely needs to inform the Mufti, Moulana, Aapa or Mu’allimah that she had 5 days of bleeding. It is not necessary to mention the hours above a complete day and night.

(Manhalul Waarideen)