Niyyat of a Qadha or Nathar or Kaffaarah Fast When the Moon is Not Sighted for Ramadhaan

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. The moon was not sighted after the 29th of Sha’baan. Now one should not think of keeping a Qadha fast or Nathar fast the next day.
  2. It is Makrooh to keep a Qadha or Nathar (vow) or Kaffaarah (atonement) fast the next day.
  3. In spite of it being Makrooh to keep these fasts the next day, if a person did make such an intention and then news of the sighting of the moon came, then the fast will be for Ramadhaan, not for the Qadha or Kaffaarah or Nathar.
  4. The Qadha or Kaffaarah or Nathar fast should be kept after Ramadhaan.
  5. If no news came of the sighting of the moon, then the fast will be for what it was intended for.

(Behshti Zewar)