Forty Ahadeeth Regarding Women (26-30)

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. “The itr of men should be such that the colour should not be visible while the fragrance should be smelt, and the itr of women should be such that the colour is visible and the fragrance weak.” (Tirmithi)
  2. “Every sin is present in liquor; women are the traps of Shaitaan, and love of the world is the root of every sin.” (Mishkaat)
  3. “I looked into Jannat and found that most of the residents were the poor, and when I looked into Jahannum I found that most of the denizens were women.” (ibid)
  4. “O women! Give sadaqah even if you have to give from your jewellery, because on the Day of Qiyaamah most of those in Jahannum will be from you.” (ibid)
  5. “A woman is a concealed object. When she emerges from her home, then Shaitaan lies in wait for her.” (Tirmithi)