Daughter-in-Law and Mother-in-Law
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Someone asked: “My wife torments my mother. Should I punish her?”
I said to him: “What type of punishment will you mete out? Furthermore, who is at fault?” In reality, these old women are very hard-hearted. They are merciless butchers, in fact aunts of Shaitaan.”
(Although daughters-in-law too are callous and spiteful to their mothers-in-law, the vast majority of mothers-in-law are the primary cause for the collapse of marriages. They believe that their daughters-in-law are servants to be domineered. That is why Hadhrat Thanwi describes them as ‘merciless butchers’ and ‘aunts of Shaitaan’. — Mujlisul Ulama)
(Malfoothaat, Part 5)