What to Do When the Moon for Ramadhaan is not Sighted Due to Overcast Conditions
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDue to overcast conditions the moon was not sighted after the 29th day of Sha’baan. Now do not keep even
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDue to overcast conditions the moon was not sighted after the 29th day of Sha’baan. Now do not keep even
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe maximum duration of haidh in one cycle is 10 days, that is 240 hours. In determining the minimum and
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Fitnah of Women Destroying the Bani Isra-eel Bal’am then advised: “Adorn your women and give them some things, then
Reading Time: < 1 minute“When a woman passes away and her husband is pleased with her, she will enter Jannah.” (Mishkaat) “When a woman
Reading Time: < 1 minuteRasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The muath-thin in the inhabitants of the heavens (i.e. the Malaa-ikah) is Jibraeel and their
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt comes in the Hadeeth that there are three people from whom a reckoning (on the Day of Qiyaamat) will
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhen the moon for Ramadhaan is sighted the night following the 29th of Sha’baan, then start fasting in the morning.
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf bleeding stops before 3 full days are complete, then either one of the following two scenarios can transpire: 1.1
Reading Time: 3 minutesA’uthu Billaahi minash shaitaanir rajeem. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Haa Meem! By the Honour of this Manifesto! We have revealed it
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Ruin of Bal’am Thus, Bal’am got onto his donkey and left for Mount Husbaan to invoke his curse. The
Reading Time: < 1 minute“Allah did not create anything in this world that is more disliked than divorce.” (Mishkaat) “A person should not propose