The Seven Heavens
Explaining the structures of the seven heavens, Hadhrat Rabee’ Bin Anas said that the first samaa’ (heaven) consists of solidified ‘waves’. What are these waves? The Hadith is silent in this regard.
The second samaa’ is constructed of white marble. Obviously, there is no resemblance between earthly marble and heavenly marble.
The third heaven is made of steel; the fourth of copper; the fifth of silver; the sixth of gold; the seventh of red Ya’qoot, which is a precious stone of Jannat.
Above the seventh heaven are vast fields of noor (celestial light).
Knowledge of the realms above these Fields of Noor is known only to Allah and a special Angel. The name of this angel who is Allah’s confidante is Meetaataroosh (Alaihis salaam). Allah Ta’ala apprizes him of such secrets and mysteries of which the other Malaaikah too are unaware.
(Awake Articles)