Haidh Starting While Offering Salaat or Fasting
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- If while reading Fardh Namaaz haidh started then that Namaaz is also waived.
- After becoming Paak (clean from haidh) then do not read the Qadha of that Salaat.
- If haidh started whilst reading Nafl or Sunnat Salaat then its Qadha will have to be read.
- If haidh commenced whilst fasting (in Ramadhaan), the fast breaks.
- Upon attaining purity keep the Qadha.
- If haidh starts while keeping a Nafl fast, its Qadha will also have to kept.
- If haidh starts at the end of a Namaaz time and you have not yet performed that Namaaz then its Qadha is also excused.
(Behshti Zewar)