Haidh Starting While Offering Salaat or Fasting

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. If while reading Fardh Namaaz haidh started then that Namaaz is also waived.
  2. After becoming Paak (clean from haidh) then do not read the Qadha of that Salaat.
  3. If haidh started whilst reading Nafl or Sunnat Salaat then its Qadha will have to be read.
  4. If haidh commenced whilst fasting (in Ramadhaan), the fast breaks.
  5. Upon attaining purity keep the Qadha.
  6. If haidh starts while keeping a Nafl fast, its Qadha will also have to kept.
  7. If haidh starts at the end of a Namaaz time and you have not yet performed that Namaaz then its Qadha is also excused.

(Behshti Zewar)