Becoming Paak During the Night of Ramadhaan

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. In the month of Ramadhaan a woman became clean (Paak) from her haidh. The haidh was a complete 10 days. Now even if there is so little time of the night left that she cannot even say “Allahu Akbar” once, the day’s fast is still waajib upon her.
  2. If the haidh lasted less than 10 days, and there is so little time left of the night that after having a quick ghusl she is unable to even say “Allahu Akbar”, this day’s fast also remains waajib upon her. (In other words, she will have to fast the day.)
  3. If she did not have a ghusl with just that amount of time remaining, she still has to fast.
  4. She should make the niyyat of fasting and have her ghusl Fajr time.
  5. If there was even less time than the above, that is, not even time to have a quick ghusl, in this case it is not permissible for her to fast the day.
  6. However, she cannot eat or drink for that day.
  7. She must stay like a fasting person for the day.
  8. The Qadha of this day will have to be kept (after Ramadhaan).

(Behshti Zewar)