Fardh, Nafl and Haraam Fasts
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- The Fast of Ramadhaan Shareef is Fardh upon every Muslim, except a mentally challenged person and a minor.
- As long as a person does not have a valid reason, it is not permissible to leave the fast of Ramadhaan.
- If a person takes a vow to fast then the fast becomes Fardh.
- Qadha and Kaffaarah Fasts are also Fardh.
- Besides these (the Fast of Ramadhaan, a vow to fast, and Qadha and Kaffaarah Fasts), all other fasts are Nafl.
- You are rewarded for a Nafl Fast.
- There is no sin in not keeping a Nafl fast.
- It is haraam to fast on the Two Eids – Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adh-ha – and also the three days following Eidul Adh-ha.
(Behshti Zewar)