Hazrat Hawwa (Alaihas Salaam) Part Two
Last updated on June 24th, 2024 at 07:05 am
Reading Time: < 1 minute- There was a tree in Jannat Allah Ta’ala instructed not to be eaten from.
- Hazrat Hawwa, in error, ate from the tree having been deceived by Shaitaan.
- Upon this, Allah Ta’ala instructed that she leave Jannat and go to Earth.
- Upon coming to Earth, she cried profusely over her error.
- Allah Ta’ala pardoned her error.
- When coming to Earth she was physically separated from Hazrat Aadam (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alaihis Salaam)
- Allah Ta’ala then united her with him.
- Numerous children were then born to them.
- Ladies! Look! Hazrat Hawwa admitted her mistake.
- She made Taubah.
- Some women try to justify their wrong.
- They refuse to accept their error.
- And there are many women who sin and continue sinning for the rest of their lives.
- They just do not give up sinning.
- In particular, gheebat and haraam customs are regularly perpetrated.
- Ladies! Forsake this habit!
- If you lapse and commit a wrong then immediately leave it and make Taubah.
(Behshti Zewar)