Malfoozaat of Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمه الله Concerning WomenStories and AnecdotesDress and Pardah/Hijaab
For the Sake of Purdah
Last updated on December 16th, 2024 at 12:47 pm
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWomen are by nature modest. A wealthy man (inclined to the shameless ways of the west) once ordered his purdah-observing wife to discard her purdah, and she refused. One day in a rage he confronted her with a firearm, ordering her to abandon purdah otherwise he would kill her. She replied: “I accept death, but not the abandonment of purdah.”
On hearing her decision, the husband fired and killed her. For the sake of purdah she offered her life. May Allah Ta’ala forgive her and grant her a lofty rank.
(Malfoozaat, Part 1)