Hazrat Haatib Bin Abi Balta’ah’s Conversation with Muqauqis
Reading Time: 2 minutesTaking the letter (of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Hazrat Haatib Bin Abi Balta’ah (Radhiyallahu anhu) left as the envoy of
Reading Time: 2 minutesTaking the letter (of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Hazrat Haatib Bin Abi Balta’ah (Radhiyallahu anhu) left as the envoy of
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn the sixth year of Hijrah when Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) wrote letters of Invitation to Islam to the rulers
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHer name was Sufaira. She and her sister would do the household chores with great effort. She was obedient and
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHaatim Asam was a big Buzrug. A wealthy person was on a journey. He became thirsty. Hazrat Haatim’s home was
Reading Time: 2 minutesAt the time of the death of Hazrat Faatimah (Radhiyallahu anha), Hazrat Asmaa Bint Umais (Radhiyallahu anha) was present. Hazrat
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHer name was Hannah. Her husband’s name was Imraan who is the father of Hazrat Maryam (Alaihas Salaam). When she
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn Usdul Ghaabah the following incident regarding upbringing is narrated: Once, Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) went to the house
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAnother similar incident (to the incident related by Hazrat Thaubaan Radhiyallahu anhu) also took place. Hazrat Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) had
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHazrat Thaubaan (Radhiyallahu anhu) narrates: “Whenever Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) went on a journey, he always greeted Hazrat Sayyidah Faatimah
Reading Time: 2 minutesHazrat Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) also narrates this: “Faatimah (Radhiyallahu anha) came to know that some slaves and slave-girls had come
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter the marriage of Hazrat Sayyidah Faatimah (Radhiyallahu anha), Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was still deeply concerned about her Deeni